How the heck have I missed the amazingness of milkrun before now? Every last detail is wonderful and surprising. I think the venus fly trap lady may be my favorite. And is the bird on her cursing? What an interesting mind these must spring from!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Stranger creatures
Friday, June 20, 2008
While wandering around the internet this morning, I stumbled onto a marvelous fashion blog. Adri (admittedly not her real name) shares fashion inspiration and wonderful outfits on Adrift in the Blogosphere. I immediately email it over to the oh-so stylish Kristen so she can share in my glee. And then I realized it would be selfish not to share this find with our readers as well. So here you go!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fabulous felt
3 amazing creations from Kjoo. I cannot get enough of her shop right now.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The world we live in
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Elke Ehninger
4 lovely pieces from Elke Ehninger. Her art has such a wonderfully girly and modern quality to it, as well as the prettiest color pairings.
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Monday, June 2, 2008
Melty and bright
Shrinky dink is one of those things that is just made of awesomeness. I love that BrokenFingersArt took suck a fun kids material and made something so sophisticated and mod.
Also - a reminder. This is post 490. Just 10 more posts and we'll be expecting folks to comment and quite possibly win a pack of pretty darn cool stuff!
Ruffles on me have to be small and sweet. Ruffles on a great big patio umbrella would need to be outrageous. Love this one from Santa Barbara Designs.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The weather this weekend, while lovely, reminded me that I need more summer clothes. I think this simple, fun, hand-screened tee from Lizzy Wishes fits the bill. I love the crazy pattern and stark colors.
Posted on Design Milk today, but these witty furnishings by Dust Furniture are way too cool to miss so I'm posting them here for all to see. What an absolutely brilliant find!